The Health Benefits of Intermittent Fasting: Is It Right for You?

Basically, intermittent fasting is when you break your day or your diet into two eating and fasting periods. While other diets inform you which foods it is safe to eat, intermittent eating plan only tells you when it is possible to eat the foods of your choice. There are several variations, including:
  • The 16/8 method: Eat for a whole day, and then have an 8-hour window of when you are allowed to consume food. This is the most popular type of intermittent fasting, and more people are turning to for their diets.
  • Alternate day fasting: Every other day fast consuming between 500-600 calories on the fast days.
  • The 5:2 diet: 5:2, you should cook normal food and eat it throughout theweek but only once or twice a week, you should not eat any food at all except for 500-600 calorie food.
  • Time-restricted feeding: Try to avoid food consumption during special hours of the day and stick to a certain period of time, for instance 10 in the morning to 6 in the evening.
Intermittent fasting, therefore, does not prescribe what you should eat but rather times when one should eat. Instead of being rigid, this makes it easier because it's not a diet, but it's an eating pattern.

Intermittent Fasting

There is emerging research showing health benefits associated with intermittent fasting:

Weight loss

Due to which there would only be a window in which one can eat and they are more likely to consume fewer calories resulting in that the body uses stored fat to make energy. Research conducted proves those who practice intermittent fasting lose the same amount of weight as those on normal calorie restriction diets.

Reduced Inflammation

Several reports point to improvements in the values of the biomarkers of systemic inflammation with IF protocols. When inflammation levels are high the risks and severity of inflammation related diseases are also high.

Better Insulin Utilization

This is some evidence, that choosing an intermittent fasting can contribute to the beneficial changing of the body response to insulin and regulation of blood sugar level.

Cellular Repair Processes

When fasting cells engage in some cellular repair activities that would otherwise be hindered in cells that are always supplied with food. Autophagy mainly induced from the IF might slow down certain aspects of malignancy and aging.

Heart health

For a long time, intermittent fasting has been proved to have potential in enhancing various factors of cardiovascular health. Writing, scientific research shows that the pressures sanguine reduces blood pressure, basal frequency of beats, LDL cholesterol, triglycerides and blood glucose levels increases HDL cholesterol levels.

Brain Function

Previous research suggested that promote the hormone and neurotrophic factors in the brain,may promoted the effects of intermittent fasting on cognition and clarity of mind. Promising evidence suggests that it might preemptively screen and possibly prevent neurodegenerative disorders including Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s.

Hunger And Cravings

The intermittent fasting can make some people feel hungry the moment they start eating after the fasting period is over. Failure to manage hunger signals and food temptations may lower long term adherence to the program.

Low Blood Sugar Symptoms

If periods of fasting are too long, before food intake, people can get dizzy, nauseous, exhausted, have headaches and experience drowsiness caused by low glycemia. It makes hypoglycemia that demands special attention should be paid if not cured.

Disordered Eating Trigger

People who have been struggling with eating disorders will find that using this plan brings back unhealthy thinking and acting. It should not be used by anyone who has an illness such as anorexia or bulimia to keep them from exacerbating the condition.

Social And lifestyle Impact

Scheduling meals and other events in a calendar can be challenging a result of restrictions imposed on the time of the day and the week when one is allowed to consume foods. It might not be conducive for them to do fast peculiar regimes. It is not easier to uphold intermittent fasting for a long time hence its low success rate.

Declined Level Of Performance

There is evidence that OF leads to impaired endurance and strength exercise performance. Athletes or individuals using their muscles a lot through exercise may not be feeding their bodies in the way they should for lot performances.

Is Intermittent Fasting Right For You?

Some of the interesting benefits that one can enjoy from it include, Intermittent fasting delivers striking nutritional and health implications, Consideration of possible disadvantage that comes with it include, So when deciding whether it might be a wise decision, consider your chances of losing weight or improving your health, past health problems, your daily routine, and your diet. Here is some guidance on who may benefit from incorporating intermittent fasting: The interested individuals are those who want to loose weight Intermittent fasting works to the benefit of people with weight to lose and a risk of developing metabolic diseases that are common for obese individuals. You should not switch eating patterns directly especially when it comes to losing weight, consult your doctor first.

Healthy Individuals

Otherwise, people with normal healthy non-diabetic glucose levels should not get concerned and start IF and stop it once they feel uncomfortable symptoms such as tiredness, headaches or feeling hungry all the time.


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