The Do’s and Don’ts of Long Hours of Sitting at your Workplace

Despite these they might sound to be very awful statistics nevertheless there are measures to adapted with a view of eradicating such factors and return to a sedentary life style with exercise and maintenance of ones health at the office. Although these may sound like grim statistics nevertheless there are things you can do going back to a sedentary lifestyle to negate those factors and maintain your health in the office. Here are some tips: Get Up and Move Regularly Schedule a reminder of 30-60 minutes or an hour at the most to get up and move around the office. Studying has also shown that even a short walk of 2-3 minutes may reduce muscle stiffness and increase blood flow. Think you could possibly get up from your desk and actually go to someone’s office and tell them the information instead. Also, you’d better take a walk outside during your lunch break too. Do Desk Exercises Sitting at the computer there are numerous small movements you need to perform in order to get a worko...